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15 Card SGC Grading Blind Reveal - Vintage Topps Koufax and more
SGC Grading Blind Reveal - Vintage Baseball - Mantle Koufax and more
SGC Grading Blind Reveal - Mantle, Spahn, Koufax and more...
SGC Grading Blind Reveal - Vintage Koufax, Mantle Mays and more
20 Card SGC Grading Blind Reveal - Vintage 50's & 60's, Classic 70's and 80's Rookies
SGC Grading 15 Card Blind Reveal - Jordan, Manning, Magic, etc.
9 Card SGC Grading Blind Reveal - Some good grades and couple surprises!
SGC Grading Blind Reveal - Mantle Mays and Jordan
SGC Vintage Reveal Mantle, Mays, Aaron, Koufax and Clemente!
SGC Grading Blind Reveal - Mantle, Aaron, Koufax, Spahn and more. Some of our favorite cards!
Insane Blind SCG/ PSA reveal. Aaron, Koufax, Bench and much more
Tuxedo time! SGC graded card reveal, $1000s in vintage cards from retired 90s card deal!